This week and next we are representing the group fitness sector of the fitness industry by presenting our Piloxing program and our mission to work together with Heath clubs and Fitness facilities to grow this industry together.

Typically we and other group fitness concepts present our programs by physical/active presentations and classes, but being able to present at an event such as FIBO Innovation Tour, for some of the leaders in the fitness industry not only in Helsinki, Stockholm and London where we are attending these events, but also for our leading European organization EFHA (Euroepean Heath and Fitness Association) has been an amazing experience. It is so important to be able to highlight the fact that group exercise play a major role in our fitness industry, and that it is one of the main ways to get people active ~ which I feel pretty comfortable to say is the ultimate goal of anyone working in our industry. I am also very proud to present Piloxing as we are not only a program that I can truly stand for 100% considering how we can back up our technique and design with science. We are also a program that can get more people active, stay active and significally improve their health, at the same time as we are able to support and positively impact the businesses that decide to bring in and offer Piloxing to their clients/members.
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